To apply for busing for 2024-25 CLICK HERE.
After you complete the form, please make sure you receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive a confirmation, please call Student Transportation at 780-429-8585.
Yellow Bus Service is available for families who live within the Rio Terrace transportation boundary. To see the bus service area, please view our Attendance Area Map on the EPSB website.
Bus Location & Late Notifications
Parents can track the location of the bus through SchoolZone, under the Transportation page, then clicking on the “Where’s my Bus” tool.
If a bus is running late or is canceled, parents will receive email notification from the Student Transportation department. You may also receive phone notification from the school.
Parents can contact Golden Arrow directly about the location of their bus at 780-447-1538.
For more information about yellow bus eligibility, applying for service, or bus pass fees, visit or call Student Transportation at 780-429-8585. Please be advised that 30 days notice is required for any changes or cancellation of service.
Learn more about riding the yellow bus - watch this video!
Students are expected to display good conduct and safety at all times while riding on a yellow bus. Students who choose not to observe behavior expectations may lose the privilege of yellow bus transportation to school. Students must have a valid bus pass in their possession when riding the bus.
The office must be notified when a student is not taking the bus home. Please contact the school office no later than 2:00 p.m. on Mon/Tues/Wed/Fri, and 1:00 p.m. Thurs.
All K-6 students taking the bus for the first time are invited to the Edmonton Expo Centre on Thursday, August 22 for the 16th annual First Riders event. This free event is a unique hands-on opportunity for you and your child to get familiar with riding the bus before the school year begins.
Afternoon sessions run every half hour, from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Evening sessions run every half hours, from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Please register by August 19 to save your spot.